Passive DWDM for the Data Center Interconnect

Passive DWDM for the Data Center Interconnect

how passive Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) can help network operators achieve very high per-fiber capacity using inexpensive passive DWDM filters up to 80 channels.  By using these filters and…

A more cost-effective solution is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

A more cost-effective solution is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

You have a challenge:  you need to connect one data center to another several kilometers away. The work order specifies 810G fiber connections. While you could run all eight pairs…

When should you consider DWDM?

When should you consider DWDM?

What does DWDM mean, and when should you consider it? DWDM stands for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing.  As its full name suggests, DWDM offers significantly more channels than Coarse WDM…

dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)

dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)

What is dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)? Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) is an optical fiber multiplexing technology that is used to increase the bandwidth of existing fiber networks. It combines data…

GOIP’s attendance at the ISG-CERT Threat Briefing 2024

GOIP’s attendance at the ISG-CERT Threat Briefing 2024

GOIP’s attendance at the ISG-CERT Threat Briefing 2024: “We’re excited to share that GOIP was present at the 3rd ISG-CERT Threat Briefing 2024!This event provided valuable insights into the latest…

How To Select the Right NOC Service Provider to Scale Your MSP Business

How To Select the Right NOC Service Provider to Scale Your MSP Business

Introducing Security for Interconnected SaaS Are you looking to: Increase your profitability? Lower your upfront costs? Focus your business on what you do best? Be prepared to scale? If the…

A Guide to Network Operations Center (NOC)

A Guide to Network Operations Center (NOC)

A Guide to Network Operations Center (NOC) The role of a Network Operations Center (NOC) stands pivotal in ensuring seamless operations and proactive management of IT environments. Leveraging an outsourced…

Security Operations Center Best Practices

Security Operations Center Best Practices

Security Operations Center Best Practices Building a first-class security operations center is no simple feat – maintaining it is even harder. Below, we discuss four security operations center best practices that every…

Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific Event

Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific Event

GOIP Group and eSix Singapore exhibited at the Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific event held at 1 Expo Drive, Singapore, from October 14 to 16. GOIP Group Singapore offers a comprehensive…

Proof-of-Concept at the Hong Kong airport

Proof-of-Concept at the Hong Kong airport

Take a peek behind the scenes as GOIP Group together with ESIX Limited conduct a successful first stage Proof-of-Concept at the Hong Kong airport. Our team worked tirelessly to implement…

What is a SOC-as-a-Service?

What is a SOC-as-a-Service?

SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) is a security model wherein a third-party vendor operates and maintains a fully-managed SOC on a subscription basis via the cloud.SOCaaS provides all of the security functions performed by…

What are Security Operations Center (SOC) Reports?

What are Security Operations Center (SOC) Reports?

Within the context of cybersecurity, SOC refers to a security operations center. This SOC stands apart from the commonly known acronym for systems and organization controls. The security operations center is…